Lady Chatterleys Lover = Любовник леди Чаттерлей: роман на англ. яз

Lawrence David Herbert
Издательство: Т8
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ID товара: 408849 (ЦБ-00113222)
ISBN: 978-5-521-06047-4
Масса: 545 г
В избранное

This is the story of Lady Constance Chatterley, or Connie`, her loveless marriage to Sir Clifford Chatterley, a man rendered both physically and emotionally crippled and impotent by the First World War, and her love affair with their gamekeeper, Mellors, a unique character who has deliberately retreated from opportunities for social and economic advancement and returned to his working class roots. The story is completely character-driven, which is why its grand themes of the immutability of the class divide, the dangers of championing the mind over the body and the fundamental human need for true `connexion` with other human beings are almost never jarring.

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This is the story of Lady Constance Chatterley, or Connie`, her loveless marriage to Sir Clifford Chatterley, a man rendered both physically and emotionally crippled and impotent by the First World War, and her love affair with their gamekeeper, Mellors, a unique character who has deliberately retreated from opportunities for social and economic advancement and returned to his working class roots. The story is completely character-driven, which is why its grand themes of the immutability of the class divide, the dangers of championing the mind over the body and the fundamental human need for true `connexion` with other human beings are almost never jarring.

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